class documentation

Metadata for Oauth2 client

Static Method from_oidc_endpoint Create client information object from well known endpoint in format as specified in
Class Variable authorization_url Authorization URL to redirect the user to
Class Variable client_id Id of the client to request for
Class Variable scopes List of scopes to request
Class Variable token_url Token URL for fetching the access token
def from_oidc_endpoint(oidc_config_endpoint: str, client_id: str, scopes: list[str]) -> OAuth2ClientInfo:

Create client information object from well known endpoint in format as specified in

oidc_config_endpoint:strEndpoint to load
client_id:strClient ID to use
scopes:list[str]Scopes to add to OAuth2 authorization requests
OAuth2ClientInfoOAuth2ClientInfo containing parsed information from endpoint
authorization_url: str =

Authorization URL to redirect the user to

client_id: str =

Id of the client to request for

scopes: list[str] =

List of scopes to request

token_url: str =

Token URL for fetching the access token